Thursday, May 6, 2010

My First Wedding Cake

After days of stressing out and 12 hours of standing on my feet (not all at once mind you), I present to you my first wedding cake!Ta Da! I'm really happy with how it turned out. I was pretty worried for a while there. I've never made gumpaste flowers before and it's probably not a good idea to try something for the first time on a wedding cake, but oh well! The bottom layer is french vanilla cake with raspberry filling, the middle layer is chocolate with still more chocolate filling, and the top layer is lemon cake with a lemon pudding and cream filling. I hope it tastes good. It weighs probably 35 pounds or so. But the best part about it in my opinion is that it is done! YEAH!!!


Kelley said...

It's beautiful! You are so talented.

Rachelle said...

Oh Wen! I turned out beautifully! I knew that you would do a good job!!!

Unknown said...

Wow!!! You need to go into the business. Have you watched "Ace of Cakes" on TV??

Becky Mendoza said...

Look at that! It looks fantastic!! I'm so impressed! The flowers look so good! You even gave them some texture! I try things new on wedding cakes all the time! I'm so impressed, keep up the good work!

The Egg-heads said...

Wendy, I only wish I was getting married again so you can make my cake!!! (okay, that may have come out wrong, I'm happily married....but that cake is beyond beautiful!!) So, hopefully Kelli or Lisa get married soon and we can give you a call. You are so talented!! The cake is magnificent!

monika said...

You amaze me, Wendy girl! It looks stunning! And after reading your description, I want to come over and dig in! You know, I do LOVE cake. By the way, you are welcome to come over and check out the house anytime! And if you want to bring cake, that's cool too.

Rie Rie said...

Glad I could help by being your neighbor and having some chocolate for you! Looks FABULOUS!

Donna Madsen said...

It is beautiful! You are so talented!