Monday, September 1, 2008

Not-so-hostile Takeover

So it's me, Wendy, and I'm afraid I've got to take this blog thing into my own hands so that it can be updated! March?!? What was that five or six months ago? Hopefully we can get this going a little better now that we have remembered the password to your blog account!

We've all been doing well and our family has change JUST A LITTLE since the last blog. In case you didn't already know, our little Savannah was born on May 19th and is absolutely beautiful! It is so fun to have a baby in the house again. The girls love her (a little too much sometimes). They have not shown an ounce of jealousy, which I am really happy about. They just think that their little sister is the cutest thing ever and love to show her off to everyone who comes around.

Abbie just had her 4th birthday last week. She was very excited about it and so being the cruel mother that I am I would use it as punishment. If she was throwing a fit or acting up or something I would treaten that I was going to cancel her birthday and not let her turn 4. It actually worked a few times to quiet the storm but now that her birthday has come and gone I'm going to have to come up with something new! Abbie is going to start attending a neighborhood preschool and a dance class next week. She is super excited about both and I think it will be nice for her to have something of own to do.
Carly is going to "officially" start kindergarten on Tuesday. We have a preview day last week but it was only for a couple of hours and I was there most of the time so I don't think it really counts. When we went back to the school for her assessment it really hit me. No, not the tears of sadness that everyone talks about shedding when their first child goes to school. I was actually really, really excited for her. I started thinking back to my days in kindergarten and elementary school (not that I can remember much) and I was kind of overwhelmed by happiness. In fact, I'm a little jealous of Carly. I know she is going to have so much fun and she will soak up everything like a sponge. She is very smart. Maybe I had these feelings so strong because I'm the exact opposite lately. I honestly feel like I'm losing my mind. I can't remember a dang thing let alone learn new things! I'll have to live vicariously through little Carly I guess.

And here he hottie of a husband! This is so very GQ isn't it? Drew is doing great as far as family and personal life go. Unfortunately work has not been so fun for him lately. He was assigned to be on a committee that is taking a lot of his time so he feels like he just gets behind on his regular tasks and is wasting most of his time with this committee. I can tell that it is really stressing him out so I hope that it will be over soon. He did make the switch to working four 10s recently though and we are loving that. It is so awesome to have him home for three-day weekends! It's like having a Saturday to get the necessary things done and then another Saturday to do fun stuff. The girls really love it too. They are always happy to spend time with their Daddy. He is truly their hero and can do no wrong in their eyes. He's such a fun dad too. I need to take lessons from him on spending time to actually PLAY with the girls and not just tell them to GO PLAY somewhere else.'re my hero too!

And last and least, there's me. You all should be shocked and amazed that I included a photo of myself and didn't even photoshop it. Feel free to marvel over the fact that at the tender age of 28 I actually do have an AGE SPOT on my face. Yikes! Don't think I don't notice it and promptly frown every time I look in the mirror. Other than feeling like I have little to no brain capacity these days, I'm doing well. I dislike to strongly dislike my job most days. I always think I could get so many fabulous things done around the house and with my kids if I didn't have to work but in all actuality I would probably just spend more time on my butt in front of the TV so I guess it's a good thing I have a couple of jobs to keep me "productive." I've been thinking about possibly going back to school one day when the kids are older to get a nursing degree. What?!? I know, I'm crazy. I don't tolerate bodily functions very well so this may not be the right choice for me. But I just love having babies so much that I thought instead of popping out a bunch more maybe I should just help other people have their own babies. I don't know...just a thought.
So there you have it! An update on the Maxfield familia. I'll try to post again before another six months have gone by.


Marge said...

Wa hoo! A maxfield update. I love the individual photos of you guys. GREAT JOB! I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one lacking brain cells these days. I feel completely lost most of the time. Happy LABOR day!

The Egg-heads said...

I love the pictures! Wendy, you are a fox! Seriously, you've still got it! I loved the update. I want to hang out with your kids again.

The Doutre Family said...

I didn't even know you had a blog! Sorry I didn't check it out before. We actually fixed our crib so it works fine as a toddler bed for now. Thanks anyways! I love the blog! Keep updating it!

Four Winns said...

Good to hear from you again. Are you still doing medical transcription? Your girls are adorable. I can't believe you have a kid in school already; when did we get so old?

monika said...

Cute pics! I can't believe you're younger than me, Wendy! Not that you look it at all, but you just seem so much more mature to me. And don't worry, I have an age spot too - right by my eye.

I once wanted to be a nurse as well, and dabbled at transcription, changed majors from history, to el ed, to culinary arts...but my point is I finally ended up being and event planner at the Marriott and loved/love it. I don't do it too much anymore, just train new hires occasionally and fill in when they need be, but I have a feeling you may like it if you ever want to get back out there full time. And they don't require a degree either! Just your wonderful computer and homemaking skills.

Rie Rie said...

It is so good to read your blog and get to know you guys better. I know I see you all the time, but I never really talk to you or get you to talk to me....that is the real part right there. Love your picts, and you don't even look old. Your talking to an oldie right here. Your as old as my little brother. Hope you had fun in Disneyland.