Monday, January 14, 2008

The Maxfields Decide To Try Out A Blog

Well, what can I say, we need to get with the times. We've finally purchased cell phones for ourselves, thought the next step would be to do this blog thing. So here we are.

We've moved into our new home in Clinton, and things are going great. We've recarpeted, painted, got new furniture, put new lighting in, and last Saturday we retiled the bathroom. Still a number of things that we'd like to do, but a little at a time right.

The Holidays were great, despite the fact that none of our new furniture had arrived and to my (Drew's) dismay the TV had to sit on the floor. Shows you where my priorities are. He he.... But things were fun. We spoiled our girls, and didn't do too bad for ourselves either. Now that our furniture is here we also bought ourselves a new big screen TV.... so I can sit and enjoy my couch potato ways. Needless to say we had a great Christmas.

The snow here in Utah right now has been falling like mad. It's pretty fun having so much. The girls and I made a snowman, but still haven't gone sledding. I guess that's next. Wendy's still not showing at all with her pregnancy. I'm very excited to be a dad again. I love my girls... and still haven't given up hope for a boy someday. At least if the 3rd one treats us okay. I know this is a short blog, but I have to start out small with this confounded technology. So someday soon expect to hear more.

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