The other night after the girls had gone to sleep I opened the refrigerator to quite a surprise. Apparently we have an infestation of Rodents of Unusual Size in our house and they found the block of cheese! I think this particular ROUS' name might rhyme with fabbie. I could have died laughing because it wasn't just one little nibble, there was a whole corner of the block missing! Yes....I really do feed my children!
Abbie's dance recital was a few weeks ago. Unfortunately we got there a little late for a good seat. It was packed! So I was watching the wrong little girl for a while because I am blind. Luckily Drew recorded it with the zoom so I was able to actually watch Abbie perform the dance later when we got home. She did a wonderful job and now we are glad dance class is over and I don't have to drive back and forth any more!

This is Abbie with her cousin Katie who was in the same class. I told them to strike a dance pose and this is what I got.
Last week we had a picnic dinner in the park followed by the second tennis lesson for the girls courtesy of their dad. So fun to watch! They are both actually doing a really good job. They might have lucked out and not inherited their mother's complete lack of coordination and athletic skill after all.

We have a little panty snatcher in our house. Savannah likes to raid the girls' closet and put on as many pairs as she possibly can at once. This girl is crazy. She keeps us laughing for sure!

And finally, we went on a trip to the zoo with the Maxfield cousins. It was a perfect day for it (only in the 60s) and the girls had a lot of fun. Savannah especially liked the tigers. She would watch them walking along the fence and point and say "Yook! A tiga!" and then growl at it. We also loved seeing the baby elephant eating strawberries and playing with a tree branch.

The first weeks of summer have been treating us well. I quit my job at IHC (not long-lived I know) but I am happier and much less stressed now that I'm back to 20 hours a week instead of 40. Drew is still plugging along at work. He is turning the big 33 on Tuesday so wish him a happy birthday if you get the chance. The girls seem to fight all the time and might drive me insane before the summer is over but I'm going to try to hang in there!
Won't you have 2 all day this year in school? That is wonderful. Yeah, for not as much stress. If mom's not happy, nobody's happy.
Cute post, Wendy. You know, Jack does that to our cheese as well. Disgusting, isn't it? I never know when I may find nibble marks. I'd love to put Halle in a dance class. Which one did you take Abbie to?
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