Monday, December 15, 2008

Thanksgiving...Yes I know it is December!

So perhaps I shouldn't even bother to post these pics because I am so incredibly behind but what the heck? I really do have good intentions people. My world has been filled with shopping and late nights of gift preparation, which is all I can say at this point as the readers of this blog may very well be the recipients of said gifts.

So here's a little "taste" of our Turkey Day. We enjoyed a fabulous dinner and my parents and then stopped by Drew's parents for pie. We love having family so close!

The girls made these cute headdresses in school and the turkey became our centerpiece after I made him for Primary music time one week. His name is Quirky P. Turkey in case anyone was wondering.

Abbie and Daddy

My mom and aunt Virginia

My poppa. Isn't that goatee just so sauve and debonair?

Savannah and Carly

Pumpkin pie and Black Friday ads. Does it get any better?

Hopefully I can get Christmas posted before Valentine's Day rolls around but I make no promises.

The Maxfield Family wishes you all a very Merry Christmas!


The Egg-heads said...

I loved the blog! Your girls are darling-I loved the little indian hats. So cute! Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you I am now a primary leading person too, let's swap ideas sometime!

Marge said...

NICE goatee Wendy! Oh I mean nice cream stasch! You are awesome. Keep up the great pictures and blogging.